Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are you suffering from G.I.G? (Grass is Greener Syndrome)

Which is Greener?  I mean really!
Or maybe a better way of putting it is, “are you suffering from G.I.G. syndrome?”
That’s what myself and Kimber like to call the “Grass is Greener” syndrome.

There are so many in the home business industry that seem to suffer from this.  It’s just sad!

Let me just say this right up front that I am a firm believer in “prospering where you are planted” in this industry.

I do believe with a 100% certainty that a person in our industry can absolutely create success in their company right where they are now.

 How can I feel so strongly about that…we’ll FACTS (Results) DON’T LIE!

And the truth is that if there is ONE other person in your company who has created the kind of success you are looking for such as a 6 or 7 figure income or whatever success looks like for you, then YOU can create that same success too!

However, with that being said there are some reasons when it becomes necessary to look for another “home” in our industry.  For example:
  • The company is shutting down
  • The company made a drastic change to their compensation plan that would make it hard for anyone to continue generating income
  • The company or leadership are acting unethically or illegally
  • The company’s values do NOT line up with your own or how you build your business
Now, you have to know that there is NOT one company that is perfect or free from occasional changes or “drama” episodes within the leadership. That’s just a fact of life in our industry because it’s an industry of “humans” and humans are NOT perfect!  And company’s and leaders sometimes make mistakes.  So when this happens, it’s important to look at how they make corrections and if they take responsibility for their actions.  If they do, then this is NOT a deal-breaker because WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!
But most people leave one company to avoid “drama” or what they see as things they don’t feel right about, only to find out that its also in the next company they join.
Or worse, they leave to be “at the Top” of the newest company out there–only to maybe have some initial success but it is only temporary because their income and company was built on “rocky ground!
NOTE:  If anyone is trying to recruit you from another company and is claiming to be a big TEAM BUILDER–recognize right now the difference between a Team Builder and a Team MOVER!”
There are lots of people out there claiming to be leaders that just keep moving teams from company to company at their benefit and are NOT building teams but just moving and stealing from other companies and teams–this type of stuff is what gives our industry such a bad name.

If they are a successful leader then they can build again with a WHOLE NEW TEAM without “raiding” others teams and companies-–so watch out for these people and their claims.  They will get you in and then will be the first to take your team to their next company!  You need to interview them and ask "who" they have groomed up. Ask for references.  Don't just take their work for it. Get your own feel.You have to take the emotions out of it and make a sound business decision.  I know their are smoke and mirrors in this industry. I also know there are GREAT companies and products but don't just take their word for it, get your own opinion.

Anyway… a little off topic but I feel strongly about that one as you can tell!

So, you have to make absolutely sure that if you are leaving your company, there are some MAJOR and valid reasons to do so and really look at where your next HOME is going to be.

With the popularity of  social networking and so many people connected together in our industry, I think that the GIG syndrome has become worse. I have seen first hand some teams and incomes destroyed because others thought the Grass is Greener only to be left disappointed and lives and dreams shattered.
The GIG syndrome is brought on by so much HYPE out there and others acting out of fear of loss instead of really doing what it takes to create success right where they are.

Someone sees a post about “ground level”, NEW Super Galatic company with a HOT new product,  yada, yada and everyone starts to jump into something they really have NOT done their due diligence but act out of sheer panic that they are going to miss out on the next BIG THING!

I would go out on a limb and say that more than 90% of the time, the next BIG THING will have their doors shut within the first couple of years.

Facts DON’T LIE and the truth is, very few companies make it their first year.
I learned something from my mentor a long time ago that seriously applies to just about everything in life and I would say that most successful people do this one thing, “Watch what everyone else is doing and do the opposite!” If you see a large group swarming to a new company, be leery.

Don’t be a follower out of fear or on some hype-y promises! If the opportunity is good, it will be there and you can create success in it, no matter when you decide to join!
Do your homework.
If you are one that is looking for a new “home,” here’s 5 things to look for in your next company:
  1. History of the Company and its Leadership – Google the company and its Corporate leadership.  Now, every company and person gets some occasional bad press out there but if you are seeing a pattern, that’s a clue to stay away.  Is the company debt free?  Have they been in business longer than 5 years?  (That’s a real good bench mark that they will probably be around in the next 10+ years—there are however a few start up companies that are good!  But they are the exception to the rule–so again…do your homework.  With startups—really look at their management and their financial backing)  Check out their score at BBB (Better Business Bureau) and see how they deal with their clients and complaints.  Are they experienced in the market they are pitching?  Do they have experience with their products and manufacturing? Google the company.
  2. Check out the Team and Leader you would be partnering with – What’s the “culture of the team?”  Do your values line up with theirs?  Do they have a system in place to help you create success simply and timely?  Do they have a proven track record and success stories?   Are they FIRM in their company?  How many companies have they been with and why? Did they get a special spot or a deal from the company. Did they build their income the same way you will be building yours.  What is the time line they did it in.   What can they offer you?  (But remember, you have to bring what you can offer to the team to the table too.  Most successful leaders will only work with a select few because of time and because they want to work with those who are serious and hungry). Do they have a system to be plugged into either marketing or training? Google the leaders names.
  3. Must have a product that is unique, emotional and proven results - Check for success stories not only of the team members but also of their clients.  If the compensation plan went away, would there still be a need for their product?  Does it cause others to share results?  Does it feel a need for most people?  Do you LOVE the products or what they might be capable of? Google it.
  4. Vision of the Company and Leadership – Interview them.  See where they see themselves in the future.  Do they have a clear vision that others will get behind?  Will this be something that you can see yourself doing in 5, 10, 20 years if the company is still around?
  5. A Solid and Unwavering Compensation Plan – Check out the results and stories of their leaders.  How many 6 & 7 figure income earners have they produced?  Many companies disclose this information along with what the average associate makes on their website (be leery of those that don’t!)  How long did it take to create the stories?  Check out the history of the compensation plan.  How many changes have they made to it.  If it’s been more than 1 in the last 5 – 10 years, I would stay far away.    Look for companies that if they do change something, they enhance their compensation plan or add additional bonuses–that’s a WINNER!
I hope that you aren’t in a position of looking for a new GIG! But if you are, I hope that you will take your time and do your homework and don’t act out of fear of people whispering rumors and hype in your ear.
There are lots of great companies out there that are STABLE and are “sleepers” and might not be the one with all the “bells and whistles” but they will still be there creating Success Stories long after the ones that get tossed around on FaceBook will!

BOTTOM LINE: STAY WHERE YOU ARE…increase your skills…follow your successful leaders systems!

Jodi Stott

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Social Media Improves Your Health!

 That's right, you heard me correctly.  Researchers from Brigham Young University reviewed 148 studies that tracked the social habits of more than 300,000 people. They found that people who have strong ties to family, friends or co-workers have a 50 percent lower risk of dying over a given period than those with fewer social connections, according to the journal Plos Medicine. 

WARNING-having weak social ties is dangerous to your health!
"The researchers concluded that having few friends or weak social ties to the community is just as harmful to health as being an alcoholic or smoking nearly a pack of cigarettes a day. Weak social ties are more harmful than not exercising and twice as risky as being obese, the researchers found. " read more at the  New York Times  "A New Risk Factor: Your Social Life". 

So Facebook is in fact increasing your life span.  There was another article I read about Facebook and Nursing Homes.  I was saying the Facebook was turning that industry upside down.

Here is an expert:

"The #1 reason people die is their friends have died or been dispersed to the four winds; their family doesn’t visit them anymore, and they have no more reason to get up in the morning. I’m sure all of us have visited long-term care facilities and seen the blank stares and hopelessness of aged people living out their last days.
Facebook has changed that. There are many, many 77 year old folks in nursing homes who now have 60 Facebook friends and interact with them on an hourly basis. This is literally extending life spans – to the point of wreaking havoc in the long-term care industry. This is because many of the payment models are based on people living only so long and their communities on Facebook are literally extending their lives."  by Perry marshall
With that being said here is my new and APPROVED  health regime:
  1. Vitamins/Shakes
  2. Exercise
  3. Water 
  4. ASEA
  5. Prayer
To a healthy and happy life!
