Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas! 

This has been such a different year for our family. Not the same status quo.  Reflecting on the year, the best part was all the friendships.  Everyone in our life has made a great impact and we thank you for that.  We hold you all very dear to our hearts! We hope each and everyone of you know that! 

Have a great Christmas with the ones you love! Enjoy every second!  Have fun and remember the true meaning of Christmas!
"For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor The mighty God The everlasting Father The Prince of Peace."  Isaiah 9:6
Christmas Fun with the Stott family!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ok- This is for Cali and Max

From the North Pole
Santa sent Cali and Max a video-Yep their own video message from Santa!  In the last 2 days they have watched it soooooooo many times that I am now posting the links here so they can find them so they can watch them and i don't need to hunt for them (

The Gift by Stacy Krammer

We all have the chance to get a gift like this, maybe not exactly like this but close.   Recently I have had a gift like this ( not in the health category).  I would not trade the experience but it seem like the gift that keeps on giving. Everyday I get to see another way "Our Gift" has effected our lives in a very positive way.  I must admit I did not want this gift-in fact I tried to return it (many times) but it really didn't have a return policy.  Which I am now very thankful for.

If you are curious what is in this box- watch this three minute video.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's the "I have a DREAM" speach, not the "I have a PLAN Speach"

Martin Luther King had a DREAM not a PLAN. People inspire people by WHY they do it! Are you motivated by the wrong thing? Ask the question...What is the wrong thing? Mayby money? I am not saying money is bad by any means but if that is your only motivator you are selling yourself and others short. People need a why, a belief, a cause to make things better. That inspires! You might fail a hundred times along the way BUT is you are inspired and have inspired others it doesn't matter you keep going until you get it right---GREAT LEADERS INSPIRE OTHERS! Watch this video....

Monday, December 6, 2010

Facebook-The Modern Day Smoke Break?

I agree completely with Jason Fried. The question is "Where do you go to get work DONE?" For me either early in the morning or late at night when I get uninterrupted time. I just get more done. I might take a "Modern day smoke break" ie:Facabook (LOL) BUT that is when I can get so much done. This is a great video I highly recommend you take 20 minutes and watch this. He is very wise. I would love to hear your comments.