Friday, December 14, 2007

Can Chocolate Really Be Healthy?


Eat Delicious Healthy Dark Chocolate and Lose Weight!!

Benefits of IsaDelight Dark Chocolate Bites

- for losing weight

- for curbing cravings / suppressing excess appetite

- for supporting balanced mood and brain chemistry

- more energy or more calm, depending on the needs of your body

-provides correct transport system for important amino acids to cross the blood brain barrier

- Some people are reporting lessening of pain/discomfort.

Dr. Wheeler, Isagenix Chief Scientific Officer, explains:
* Why Isagenix? His commitment is making a difference in the lives of people.
* Benefits of Isagenix for many Elite Athletes
* Benefits of bringing the body back into balance and keeping it in a healthy balance.
* Benefits of Isagenix Whey Protein (grade 7 whey) compared to low grade whey products
* (17 min into call)

Listen in as this Internationally recognized Doctor discusses this amazing new product.

William E. Wheeler, Ph.D., ACSM

Dr. Wheeler, who once briefed Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan on issues such as nutrition in school lunches and meal etiquette in Japan, is the senior author of more than 260 scientific publications on nutrition and has helped develop more than 6,200 nutritional products.
He has fine-tuned his expertise on natural nutrition and performance after years of advising Olympic and professional athletes and teams. Dr. Wheeler’s past clients include the 1996 U.S. Olympic decathlon team; 2002 U.S. Olympic snowboarding team; several NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball teams; NASCAR and the Air Force Academy college football team.

Currently Dr. Wheeler is the personal nutritional counselor to several major NFL & NBA Sports celebrities and is currently the chief nutritional counselor to Isagenix International. Dr. Wheeler speaks about the new Isagenix Chocolate product to be released in early January. You want to hear this information without a doubt!! Eat delicious healthy chocolates and release weight plus much more!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Back From Dynasty 2007

The year of completion is almost over and what a ride! I just returned home from Dynasty (Picutes are coming soon!) Where I thought I would finish this year is so NOT where I am finishing this year, IT"S BETTER! I have balance, freedom, and a great family and friends to share it with. Chris and I made a career change 5 years ago to have more time and money freedom with our family. We wanted out of the box. We got fusterated because we where putting in the hours and seeing no fruit. We weren't spending the time we wanted to with each other and our kids. Dani Johnsons First Step Trainings and Dynasty have paid off big time this year. This will be our best year ever finacially as well as most balanced. Chris is the#1 rep in the entire country in his comapany this year and our Isagenix is off the hook. We have been able to pay off our credit card debt as well as spending more time together as a family. Beaking off the chains of bondage. Our whole family is closer to God and we as so thankful for all the blessings we have recieved. It blows our mind on how great he truely is!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Is Cleansing Really Goning To Help Me Lose Weight?

Listen to what Dr. Harper has to say about cleansing, you will be surpized to hear his version on the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System,

Listen to Dr. Harper, Click Here!

Join Gastroenterologist Becky Natrajan, M.D., in this ground-breaking video as she speaks out on the toxic environment in which we live and what you can do to help cleanse your body of impurities.
Click here to begin video to learn even more about the power of nutritional cleansing

More Proof?

Watch This! Chrismas is around the corner and all the Chrismas partys. This is my favorite way to look my best. A quick 9-day and I am feeling fabulous. There is nothing like keeping your weight under control through the holidays. This is the best kept secret!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Are you a First Steps to Success Graduate?

If you are, don't miss your last chance in 2007 to attend "Creating a Dynasty" Advanced Training Seminar!

If you haven't registered but there is still a "stirring of desire" inside of you, it's not too late to join our amazing team in L.A.

We will be there with you and are so proud of our mission to join forces with Dani Johnson, not just in earning more money but more importantly to PAY OFF DEBT!

This one of the messages our team has seriously adopted... along with living balanced lives of not just making tons of money but having time and financial freedom!

That means working less hours but still being financially free no matter what your income is!

Check out what has happened for some of our team members with THE WAR ON DEBT!
34 people, Average fat found to trim from their monthly budget: $1000, Average Time: 12 months, Average Debt: $76,000, Accumulated Debt: $2।6M।
Here are the soldiers:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why Home-based Business? - Finding Purpose In What You Do

Do you know what your purpose is? When you lose the sense of purpose, you end up losing the excitement for what it is that you do. When you lose the excitement, you become lazy and apathetic. You then have short-term mindsets that don't even resemble goals. When you can find purpose in what you do, everything around you becomes more dynamic and exciting. Let's explore what living with purpose truly means.You've got to find purpose in what you do. It all boils down to how you look at things. Some of you feel the strong sense of "I've got to do something. I've got to become someone. There has to be more to life than what I'm currently doing." As you are feeling this, you look at your current job or business and think to yourself, "this doesn't fit." There is a divine dissatisfaction deep inside of your soul that is there for a reason. It is not there by accident. This divine dissatisfaction comes from losing a sense of purpose in what you are doing.This commonly happens when the focus is on what you gain from what you are doing versus what you can help others gain from what you do. You see there's a much greater purpose than just you paying the bills having a big fancy house. I've owned million dollar houses and I can tell you first hand that there is a much bigger purpose than just your "stuff," the watch you own, the clothes you wear and the car you drive. There is a much bigger purpose than the people you know and the names you can drop.I was that person. My whole purpose was all wrapped up in what I earned, who I knew, how many accolades and rewards I received, etc... This was both pathetic and empty. It was a façade or fantasy that I was chasing leading me to a false sense of satisfaction. What I'm pointing out here is that you have to find a purpose that is bigger than you and all of your "stuff."You can find purpose in building a dynamic infrastructure in your business so that it is easy for people to duplicate. Now they are able to succeed and have a huge impact on their family' lives. They are able to make a difference and impact other people's lives. You can have a business that is safe and secure based on the amount of lives you are impacting by creating success in other people.God has given us a chance to use our gifting and out of that gifting other people can now shine by walking in their gifting and accomplishing things they never thought were possible. Imagine the feeling of being the one who introduced a single mom to a business where she became a millionaire. How would it feel to be the one who enrolled a man in your business who lost his job, was losing his home, taking anti-depressants and heading for divorce, who then became successful and put his life and family back together.When you look at it this way, you realize that there is great purpose in what you do. Look for a much bigger purpose than just enhancing your income and increasing your lifestyle. Do this and life begins to really become! It comes alive. You must find that purpose.By: Dani JohnsonArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comDani Johnson is an author, speaker, trainer and founder of Call to Freedom Int’l. She went from living out of her car with $2.03 to her name to earning her first million in two short years by the age of 23. Gain control now of your financial future with a free CD from a private training seminar by Dani Johnson. This exclusive event and these tips, tricks and techniques are now available for you to claim immediately at no cost. Go to now!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Utah Jazz Season Opener!

We had a blast!
Dinner and a game with Chris. I have been looking forward to this all week! We love the Utah Jazz infact my boys are HUGE FANS! They LOVE going to the games.
The game started out with a bang and then a 20 point swing and we lost AHHH!~ One game won't make or break the season. The fans where out of control! Tanner can't wait until Saturday's game. This is going to be a great season maybe this will be our year. I am not much into the stats and who the new players are but between Tanner and Chris they keep me posted on what is going on.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Thought for the week--Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances. -Bruce Barton

Be Safe and have fun with your familys and friends today.

~Jodi Stott

Friday, October 26, 2007

We have been so blessed to have Chris in our lives. He is such a great support to our family. He works in the mortgage industry a lender rep. In fact he just won us a trip to Mexico for being the top producer for 2007 nationwide (Way to go Honey!) Not only does he work hard at his day job (which he loves) he supports me in our home based business. It is not very often we get to hear from him and he has agreed to be the guest speaker of Saturdays LIVE Interactive Call. It is always a special treat to hear his perspective on why you should have “Multiple Streams of Income” especially coming from the industry he is in. This call will be hosted by And Phillip LeBlanc, from the "Success from Home" magazine, has been able to create income from home and be home with his wonderful wife Falesha and their 4 kids! We will get a great double dose of our power dads. Don’t miss this call you will learn their secrets to “Creating Freedom” !

•This Saturday, October 27th
•Time: 9 am PST, 10 am MST, 11 am CST, 12N EST
•Dial: 641-715-3300
•Code: 641017#

•This is going to be a POWER HOUSE Call! For future calls, please visit:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Road To Freedom
I was so afraid to have more kids due to the fact that they where destined for a life in daycare. It was hard enough dropping Tanner off to day care from 8:00 Am until 6:00 Pm Monday thru Friday. It didn't leave me much quality time to spend with him. There had to be a better way. I knew it was out there and I was hoping it would find me someday.

I got married in 2002 and sure enough "The Better Way" presented itself in the form of a cleansing and weight loss system. I just wanted to lose some extra pounds but it had other plans for me. It launched me into a profitable home based business before I even knew what hit me.

The next three years was what I call my "learning curve". I couldn't quite fiqure out my new found profession until one day my friend introduced me to

The next 2 years were a whirlwind. I had two more kids and plugged into Dani's simple training and created a 6 figure income, paid off our credit card debt all while working 20 hours a week. I had found the "Sweet Spot"!

My passion now is to help others find the freedom they are looking for.