Monday, September 6, 2010

Is It OK to Automate Your Social Media?

Yes, I think it is okay to automate your Twitter feeds.  What I mean is that loading a program like Tweetdeck, SocialOomph or MarketMeTweet with tweets to be sent out through out the day are appropriate on Twitter. These are efficiency tools if you are utilizing Twitter to build your brand.

NO! I think it is fake and phony to be using automation tools to post on people's walls on Facebook. I think you will be doing more harm that good if your are using these kinds of tool. Your friends on Facebook are more savvy than most people give them credit. If you are caught using one of these tools your credibility will go down the drain fast! In social media one wrong move is hard to recover from.

I have heard that Twitter is getting ready to shut down systems like TweetAdder.  They are going to make public those that are creating their follow list with systems such as these. So I would think twice before using them. They may seem easy, but there is no replacing old fashion relationship building in Social Media.

Jodi Stott

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