Saturday, January 16, 2010

I want to get on a airplane and fly to Haiti!

This has been a crazy week.  My head is till having a hard time understanding the mass destruction.  Watching TV and seeing clips posted on the internet.  I never in my life seen so many people hurting, I mean actually watching it unfold.  Facebook and twitter have been tools to at least help out is a small way and not feel so helpless.  I have been so impressed and amazed by how many people who are reaching out. the two charity that I endorse are almost over 100 k since tuesday.  That is alot of people doing what they can and it is adding up.  I love the texting your donations, that seems to be getting everyone involed. That warms my heart.  My kids are thinking of ways they can help.  They have been giving up their small luxury's.  I have been torn by what to show them and what not to show them but I do want them to see and feel like even their action can help those who need it. They are contributing along with the world. I know we haven't seen the wost of it.  There is so much work to be done!

Kings Randsom is maching $ for $

 I have worked with Dani for years and they do great work

Local in Utah
My friend Kimber and her family are a part of this org. Kimbers husband had a service mission scheduled for March but that is on hold due to the earthquake.

"And let us run with endurance the race that God set before us ... by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus."
Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV)

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