Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 What a Year!

Today is the last day of 2009 and I started reflecting back on the year. If I would of know what was going to happen this year I don't know if I would have shown up (lol).  Talk about going though the refiners fire. What a learning curve.  Most of you know I have been doing multi level marketing for the last 7 years and have been very successful at it.  This last year I got to see the dark side of the business and It wasn't pretty. I really got to see the business and the smoke and mirrors.  I now have a greater appreciation for this industry. I would be lying to you if I told you I hate mlm but the truth of the matter is I do truely love it.  There are some great companies out there with the fields best interest in mind. you really do have to partner with the right company, right trainer and right team.  Then you do have an opportunity.  My mentor Dani told us that there is no such thing as residual income.  it is a myth.  I thought she was crazy when I first heard that but she is very wise.  It is true.  Once you make the money you need to invest it.  A mlm company is just a cash cow.

2010- The rebuilding year.  I really want to be a million dollar earner this year.  YES I am putting it out there ha ha.  I have a plan and I am excited to execute.  I have learned a lot and I'm excited to see the results.  I know God has a plan and I am ready, Cheers to 2010!  ~Jodi

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why Didn't Anyone Warn Me?

I had no clue. I was doing some Christmas shopping today and ran across Girlie Nails (at the checkout stand of course) at Toys R Us.  I thought that would be a good stocking stuffer so I grabbed a box.  I am such a sucker!  As soon as I got home I gave it to her, I don't know who was more excited me or her?  We put them on and she LOVED them.  I have to admit they looked pretty good.  She was waving her hand around like a princes. Then the fun popped off!  Oh my heck you would of thought someone ran over one of her dolls.  She was devastated.  We where on our hands and knees looking everywhere.  Then they all started popping off. An hour later she was begging me to go to the store to get more.  What was fun for a second turned into a disaster.  So moms out there reading where warned! LOL   ~Jodi

Monday, December 14, 2009

Being your own boss is great until your kids spill coffee on your desk!!!

75% of business owners say that the greatest benefit of running their company is that they can be their own boss, reports Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. I read this statistic this morning and it made me think od my own situation.

Being your own boss is great until your kids spill coffee on your desk!!!That wouldn't happen if I had an office somewhere else. It is defiantly a trade off but I think worth it.  For the last seven years I have been blessed to have an office at home and no boss. Working at home definatly takes on an adjustment period.  I went from high hills, business suits to slippers and sweats.  I remeber standing in front of my closet thinking I have no casual clothes, to now I have to dust of my business clothes.  The only time I get to where them is once a year at convention lol. Working at home is all it is cracked up to be.  Having a nanny for a few hours each day helps too.  Chris is now at home full time as well so we have the whole family home. Our lifestyle is defiantly different than most but we wouldn't change a thing.~Jodi

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ok Tanner is in BIG Touble!!!

Ok  picture this.... It is first thing in the morning.  I just made my shake and poured it into a cup.  I go to the sink to rinse out the blender. Turn on the faucet and I GET SPRAYED IN THE FACE!   I turn the water off and go put my robe in the dryer,  Ok that was funny Tanner.  He put a rubber band around the sprayers so who ever turned on the water would get sprayed.

5 minutes later I totally forget about it and turn the water on AGAIN---Yep got sprayed.  RI ran to change my clothes.  I am all dry forgot AGAIN about the sprayer and sure enough I turn on the water again.  This time I was so frustrated that I ran back and Chris got spayed (as he was standing there laughing at me)  The whole kitchen got it this time.  Yes this time I took the rubber band off the sprayer.  I can't believe it happened three times this morning.  There is never a dull moment in the Stott house.  Tanner is so grounded when he gets home!~Jodi

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How To Escape Holiday Stress

This is a great call to listen to this year.  Dani Really hits the mark.  It is so refreshing to hear when you get overwhelmed with the holiday season.  ~Jodi

For many people, the holiday season is a time of great excitement, joy and spending time with family and friends. Its also a time of year when many people over stretch themselves beyond their means physically, emotionally and financially.

Many feel the strain and stress of holiday gift buying, only to then feel the pressure of debt for months (sometimes years) afterward – only to do it all over again next year. According to a 2008 survey from Consumer Reports, about 12 million Americans are still paying off credit card debt for purchases made last holiday season!
Is this healthy? Is this really what the holiday season is all about? 

Recently, we’ve had many people asking Dani about a "ministry" we started years ago called Secret Blessings. This "ministry" has no walls, no buildings, no board of directors, no elders or organizers to report to – none of that. Its a very simple idea, ANYONE can do it and its EXTREMELY effective.

I was able to find a training call Dani did a while back talking about Secret Blessings and how you can do it this holiday season to bless those who really need a touch most right now – and at the same time, bless yourself and your family in a way many have never experience before.
Here’s the audio below.

Just push the play button to hear Dani talk about a real solution to dealing with holiday stress now.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It must be book week for me!

Grooming the Next Generation is out today! You can order it on Amazon or Barns and Noble. This is a great book.  You all have heard me talk about which personality type you are aka: Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl or Emerald, well this book explains them in depth and helps you parent to each type.  I am a sapphire, Chris is and Emerald (direct opposites) Tanner and Cali are both sapphires and Max is an ruby.  The only one we are missing is a pearl but Grandma Meda is pearl so we aren't missing out.  I know this probably doesn't make any since to you but the book will spell it our for you.  It is a good read!  Oh yeah and my name is on the front cover whoo hoo! Follow this link for more info ~Jodi

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crush It!  What a great book.  Gary Vaynerchuk is refreshing in the way he looks at the whole social networking gig. It is the Wild Wild West out there and a ton of money to be made on the internet.  This is a quick read and a good direction to go for anyone looking to make some extra cash.  He is right about one thing is it does take determination and time to make it happen.  It is so not a lottery ticket.  With all the free tools out there for people to use it is crazy that people don't take advantage of it.  If you are scared of the big bad web, don't be it is so much easier than people think.  All the major tools are so user friendly.  They make you look really smart. All you have to do is be brave enough to plug in!~Jodi