Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why Didn't Anyone Warn Me?

I had no clue. I was doing some Christmas shopping today and ran across Girlie Nails (at the checkout stand of course) at Toys R Us.  I thought that would be a good stocking stuffer so I grabbed a box.  I am such a sucker!  As soon as I got home I gave it to her, I don't know who was more excited me or her?  We put them on and she LOVED them.  I have to admit they looked pretty good.  She was waving her hand around like a princes. Then the fun popped off!  Oh my heck you would of thought someone ran over one of her dolls.  She was devastated.  We where on our hands and knees looking everywhere.  Then they all started popping off. An hour later she was begging me to go to the store to get more.  What was fun for a second turned into a disaster.  So moms out there reading where warned! LOL   ~Jodi

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