Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ok Tanner is in BIG Touble!!!

Ok  picture this.... It is first thing in the morning.  I just made my shake and poured it into a cup.  I go to the sink to rinse out the blender. Turn on the faucet and I GET SPRAYED IN THE FACE!   I turn the water off and go put my robe in the dryer,  Ok that was funny Tanner.  He put a rubber band around the sprayers so who ever turned on the water would get sprayed.

5 minutes later I totally forget about it and turn the water on AGAIN---Yep got sprayed.  RI ran to change my clothes.  I am all dry forgot AGAIN about the sprayer and sure enough I turn on the water again.  This time I was so frustrated that I ran back and Chris got spayed (as he was standing there laughing at me)  The whole kitchen got it this time.  Yes this time I took the rubber band off the sprayer.  I can't believe it happened three times this morning.  There is never a dull moment in the Stott house.  Tanner is so grounded when he gets home!~Jodi

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