Thursday, December 3, 2009

How To Escape Holiday Stress

This is a great call to listen to this year.  Dani Really hits the mark.  It is so refreshing to hear when you get overwhelmed with the holiday season.  ~Jodi

For many people, the holiday season is a time of great excitement, joy and spending time with family and friends. Its also a time of year when many people over stretch themselves beyond their means physically, emotionally and financially.

Many feel the strain and stress of holiday gift buying, only to then feel the pressure of debt for months (sometimes years) afterward – only to do it all over again next year. According to a 2008 survey from Consumer Reports, about 12 million Americans are still paying off credit card debt for purchases made last holiday season!
Is this healthy? Is this really what the holiday season is all about? 

Recently, we’ve had many people asking Dani about a "ministry" we started years ago called Secret Blessings. This "ministry" has no walls, no buildings, no board of directors, no elders or organizers to report to – none of that. Its a very simple idea, ANYONE can do it and its EXTREMELY effective.

I was able to find a training call Dani did a while back talking about Secret Blessings and how you can do it this holiday season to bless those who really need a touch most right now – and at the same time, bless yourself and your family in a way many have never experience before.
Here’s the audio below.

Just push the play button to hear Dani talk about a real solution to dealing with holiday stress now.

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