Monday, December 14, 2009

Being your own boss is great until your kids spill coffee on your desk!!!

75% of business owners say that the greatest benefit of running their company is that they can be their own boss, reports Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. I read this statistic this morning and it made me think od my own situation.

Being your own boss is great until your kids spill coffee on your desk!!!That wouldn't happen if I had an office somewhere else. It is defiantly a trade off but I think worth it.  For the last seven years I have been blessed to have an office at home and no boss. Working at home definatly takes on an adjustment period.  I went from high hills, business suits to slippers and sweats.  I remeber standing in front of my closet thinking I have no casual clothes, to now I have to dust of my business clothes.  The only time I get to where them is once a year at convention lol. Working at home is all it is cracked up to be.  Having a nanny for a few hours each day helps too.  Chris is now at home full time as well so we have the whole family home. Our lifestyle is defiantly different than most but we wouldn't change a thing.~Jodi

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